Monday, April 28, 2008

Keep Learning

From the time a child is born, the process of learning beings, this process ends with his last breath. Every minute spent living on the face of Earth is a process of learning. To me the essence of learning is to improve our life style to such an extent that we reach the zenith of perfection(though “perfection” is abstract word to me).

A teacher teaching to students is not true learning, a self thought teaching is true learning, because we show interest to learn only when a situation demands. When you learn in such a condition chances are that you may not forget what you’ve learnt. This type of learning is just like a child learning to walk.

Learning is also an art. Learning everything doesn’t make any sense. It’s like “Jack of all trades and master of none”. We should be aware of what we must learn and what we must not (can be considered as energy economics). But then, how are we supposed to know what to learn? As kids we learnt to walk and talk, which are essential for survival, so learning should be in the direction for survival (seems simple isn’t it?).

Learning process is as continuous as time. Consciousness and alertness are the vital ingredients to make learning an aroma rich food for brain. Let me show you how…making a note of minute differences in regular conversations with people, which otherwise are unimportant, can make you a good analyser of mentalities of people around you. This defiantly makes a difference to you.

Unlearning of old stuff (like information about a process, technical know how)is also equally important. Things that are old should be scraped so that it enables us to make room for new replacements with better comforts, same is the case with learning process (in a way its energy economics again). Unlearning something enables us to evolve from a given situation, and gives way for learning. This again can be exemplified by present day’s gadgets and gismos which are replacing good old stuff ( I guess these are no more “good” old stuff that’s the reason they are getting replaced).

“Learn and learn until you learn no new lessons”, because life is like that, you run towards it before it drags you.